Eyes Fix on Jesus


Paul certainly had to deal with more than his fair share of hardships. But no matter what he faced—be it a shipwreck, imprisonment, a mob attack, or a public scourging—he always managed to hold on to his sense of contentment and, at times, even joy. How on earth did he do it?

Not by earthly means, that’s how! Paul was able to remain peaceful because he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus and on his own witness of joy and peace. (Source: Word Among Us)

Like Paul, we need to face a lot of unpredictable things in this life. But, no matter how hard the problem might be, we need to remember that God is with us and He’ll help us to get through every single problem. We need to do our best and let Him guide us as well. Let’s remain in Him, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and find peace beyond understanding.

If God is for us, who can be against us?— Rom 8:31b


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