“Hinggil & Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya”, Pursuing Life’s Purpose and Values

Musical drama entitled "Hinggil Pradarsana2: The Power of Astha Satmya" by Kelapa Gading-based Highscopers in Graha Bakti Budaya, TIM, Central Jakarta, 14 February 2018. (Doc of Agustinus/HighScope)

IF only there is one ‘best’ goal for any student to be achieved in school, then it would be having good scores in all subjects and getting highest rank. But unlike other schools where most students are usually motivated to race intellectually with others for good scores and highest ranks, HighScope School in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, has their own philosophy and offers their different notes.

The good purpose and values of life is indeed not the same with good scores and highest rank – said this national plus school’s CEO Lauren Sarinah to Sesawi.Net.

Life has purpose and values

As the Latin proverbs says “Non scholae sed vitae discimus” that means “We do not learn for school, but for life”, so is the musical drama Hinggil & Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya in Graha Bhakti Budaya TIM last 14 February 2018. This play performed by High Scope’s students seemed to echoing more strongly that particular message.

In the school, every HighScoper –the affectionate name of HighScope’s student– is morally taught for not competing against each other or targeting themselves to beat school-mates by achieving highest ranks. But each student is spiritually motivated to compete with his or her own learning target and highest goal in life i.e. the so-called “HP” or High Performance.

Highscopers are spiritually motivated to endeavor their valuable soft skills which are among others i.e. spirit of teamwork, argumentation skill and problem solving skill.

That’s why, such personal qualities were once again strongly echoed in Hinggil and Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya this mid February 2018. This musical drama offers and reverberates eight values of life as the following:

  • Respect oneself, everyone and everything.
  • Listening with the heart and mind.
  • Taking charge and accountability.
  • Being truthful.
  • Being curious and finding solutions.
  • Think, act and reflect.
  • Team up for better result.

Apprenticeship in Haskopa School

Life has indeed its purpose. It is clearly experienced by Uttara who happens to be stranded in Afflu Forest. His life is then saved by eight Astha Pastika fighters from Haskopa School. And through intensive personal encounters with Hinggil and Pradarsana – both are gurus in Haskopa School—Uttara starts to learn about what is the true meaning of life, its purpose and values, including the so-called Astha Satmya.

Though various kind of “spiritual exercises”, Attara is ‘virtually’ encountered with the epic of Ki Hadjar Dewantara whose spirituality is similar with all values practiced by the duo gurus in Haskopa School. From Hinggil and Pradarsana, Attara learns much previous things in life: purpose and values, including the eight ‘habits’ of empowerment.

As common in musical drama produced by schools, Hinggil & Pradarsana 2:The Power of Astha Satmya also involved as many students as possible, from elementary to higher levels. This musical drama has become a good opportunity for those students to perform their talents in music, dance, yoga, and storytelling in public.

Hinggil & Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya is indeed a music drama as it was intentionally designed by its producers. But, eloquence in citing some words in such a very special way as the Javanese and the Batak commonly speak has also become interesting spot to watch. It is also amusing to see how these young millennial in such a metropolitan city like Jakarta could generate perfectly  some Javanese traditional  lagu-lagu dolanan (cheerful games song).

“Respect oneself, everyone, and everything”, says a statement in booklet. This is indeed good value to be adopted and be practiced in our daily life. It is also fully recommended that strong respect for others should be more intensively and extensively advocated to young Indonesians.  And mostly in recent years when respect for others from different ethnic and religious backgrounds has been sharply reducing.

Spectators of Hinggil & Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya are predominant parents of students. Their presence in TIM is certainly to boost morale of their children whose contribution to this musical drama is deserved highly appreciation following months of rehearsal.

For me, Hinggil & Pradarsana 2: The Power of Astha Satmya is more than just a musical drama by Highscopers to show off to their proud parents. It reverberates the significant message that education is more than just collecting good scores but generating values of life as the Latin proverb says Non scholae sed vitae discimus.

Well done HighScopers.


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