Hoax: Kabar Bohong Sebutkan Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo Jadi Kardinal


SEPANJANG hari Minggu malam jelang pergantian hari tanggal 9 Oktober 2016 beredar kabar bohong yang menyebutkan Uskup Agung Keuskupan Jakarta Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo diangkat menjadi Kardinal menggantikan Kardinal Julius Darmaatmadja SJ.

Kabar kabur itu tidak benar alias hoax.

Menjawab Sesawi.Net melalui jalur pribadi, Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo menulis pesan pendek sebagai berikut: “Mboten leres, Mas. Punika tiyang iseng ketingalipun.”

Berita di jalur WA itu tidak benar, Mas. Tampaknya ulang orang iseng saja.

Tidak ada nama Mgr. Suharyo

Laporan dari Vatikan yang dirilis kantor berita katolik AsiaNews yang berbasis di Roma dengan jelas menulis sebagai berikut dan di situ tidak ada nama Mgr. Ignatius Suharyo.

Pope announces new consistory and 17 new cardinals

Unexpectedly, Pope Francis announced a consistory for 19 November, the eve of the conclusion of the Jubilee. Among the “Asian” names are Mgr Mario Zenari, the nuncio in Syria; the archbishop of Dhaka; the archbishop emeritus of Kuala Lumpur. The new cardinals come from 11 nations.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis, at the end of today’s Angelus, unexpectedly announced a consistory for 19 November, the eve of the closing of the Jubilee of Mercy.

On that occasion he will welcome 17 new cardinals. They include Mgr Mario Zenari, a great friend of AsiaNews who remains nuncio in the beloved and martyred Syria”; Mgr Patrick Rozario, Archbishop of Dhaka (Bangladesh); Mgr Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur, and others.

Here is the press release from the Vatican Press Office with Pope Francis’s statement:

“Dear Brothers and Sisters,

“I am pleased to announce that Saturday, 19 November, the eve of the closing of the Holy Door of Mercy, I will hold a Consistory for the appointment of 13 new cardinals from the five continents. Their origin from 11 nations expresses the universality of the Church, which proclaims and bears witness to the Good News of God’s Mercy in every corner of the earth. The inclusion of the new cardinals in the diocese of Rome also manifests the indissoluble bond between the See of Peter and the particular Churches around the world.

On Sunday 20 November, Solemnity of Christ the King, in ending the Year of the Holy Extraordinary Mercy, I shall celebrate Mass together with the new cardinals, the College of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and priests.

“Here are the names of the new cardinals:

  • “Archbishop Mario Zenari (Italy), who remains apostolic nuncio in the beloved and martyred Syria
  • Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga (Central African Republic)
  • Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra (Spain)
  • Archbishop Sérgio da Rocha (Brazil)
  • Archbishop Blase J. Cupich (United States)
  • Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario (Bangladesh)
  • Archbishop Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo (Venezuela)
  • Archbishop Jozef De Kesel (Belgium)
  • Archbishop Maurice Piat (Mauritius)
  • Archbishop Kevin Joseph Farrell (United States)
  • Archbishop Carlos Aguiar Retes (Mexico)
  • Archbishop John Ribat (Papua Nuova Guinea)
  • Archbishop Mons. Joseph William Tobin (United States)

“To the Members of the College of Cardinals, I shall also unite two Archbishops and an Emeritus Bishop, who distinguished themselves in their pastoral service, and a priest who has offered a clear Christian testimony. They represent the many bishops and priests in the Church who build the People of God, announcing God’s merciful love in the daily care of the Lord’s flock and in the confession of faith.

“They are:

  • Archbishop Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
  • Archbishop Renato Corti, Archbishop Emeritus of Novara Italy
  • Archbishop Sebastian Koto Khoarai, Bishop Emeritus of Mohale’s Hoek Lesotho
  • Father Ernest Simoni, presbytery of the Archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult, Scutari – Albania.

“Let us pray for the new cardinals so that by confirming their faithfulness to Christ, merciful and faithful high priest (cf. Heb 2:17), they may help me in my ministry as Bishop of Rome and ‘permanent and visible source and foundation of unity of faith and communion’ (cf. LG, 18).”


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