“I Have Seen the Lord”, Reflection on Mary Magdalene

Ilustrasi: Maria Magdalena by Getty Images.

“I have seen the Lord.” (Jn. 20:18) were the first words Mary Magdalene spoke, when she met the other disciples of Jesus on Sunday morning immediately after she returned from place where Jesus was buried two days earlier.

After saying that, Mary told them what happened near the empty tomb of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene’s words has attracted both for the disciples – who were grieving, afraid and confused – and for others to contemplate Mary Magdalene as an apostle. (Celebrated by The Roman Catholic Church on July 22)

We might ask why St. Mary Magdalene is called an apostle?

We all know that all the disciples of Jesus who were chosen and called apostles were male including St. Paul.

There are many writings that become reliable sources that Mary Magdalene had an important role in the public life of our Lord Jesus and His ministry.  
And... it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that honors St. Mary Magdalene. Several other Christian churches also honor her as a Saint and an example of faith to Jesus.  
Pope Francis, even said that Mary Magdalene is the Apostle of the Apostles. 

We can ask again, “What is the significant thing that makes her called an apostle, even an apostle of the apostles? The story of Mary Magdalene can be found in all Gospels but the Gospel according to John tells of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Lord.

Early morning, on the first day of the week (Sunday morning) the mourning Mary Magdalene, saw the tomb was empty. The body of Jesus that had been lying in the tomb three days earlier had disappeared.

We can imagine how Mary Magdalene felt at that moment. Then there were two angels told her that the Lord she was looking for had risen and was not there. It seems that even the happy news from the angel could not convince her.

Until then she heard her name called, “Mary!

The call came from Jesus who was already standing nearby. It was the very moment of change in the life of Mary Magdalene.

  • She encountered with the “Risen Jesus”.
  • She experienced the Lord.
  • Mary Magdalene saw-met-experienced the Lord.

Personal experience with the Lord

Personal experience with the Lord is the foundation of faith not only for Mary Magdalene but for everybody.

So…, this is the point that supports Mary Magdalene is called an Apostle.

Beside that personal experience of encountering the risen and living Lord, there is also an important message that must be conveyed to His disciples (as well as to everyone).

The Lord said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them: I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

The call from God to Mary Magdalene was not primarily to celebrate joy but to carry out a mission.

Mary Magdalene is called the Apostle of the Apostles seems to be based primarily on personal experience with the risen and living Jesus, and the center of her proclamation that Jesus is Lord of all people as mentioned in the Gospels: “I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”

This simple reflection is presented here to invite all of us to imitate Mary in responding to God’s call and carrying out our mission as apostles today in the society and in the world.

Like Mary Magdalene, let us say to our brothers and sisters around us, “I have seen the Lord “.

He has come  into our pure heart, so this is why we’ll always sing to praise the Lord.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8

PS: Original text was prepared and written by a friend.



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