Konferensi Uskup India: Bebaskan Pastor Stan Swamy SJ, Ditahan atas Tuduhan Membantu Kelompok Pemberontak Maoist

Pastor Stan Swamy SJ yang ditahan aparat keamanan India. (AsiaNews.It)

NAMANYA adalah Pastor Stan Swamy, seorang imam Jesuit. Umurnya sudah 83 tahun. Dengan kondisi kesehatan yang sudah sangat renta, karena umurnya sungguh sudah tidak muda lagi. Juga karena tuduhan yang tidak berdasar.

Namun apparat keamanan India telah menahan pastor Jesuit ini. Lantaran tuduhan telah membantu kelompok pemberontak Maoist di wilayah Jharkhand.

Berjuang bagi masyarakat adat Avidasi

Padahal yang terjadi, sudah puluhan tahun lamanya –setidaknya selama 50 tahun terakhir– pastor Jesuit ini selalu berjuang mempertahankan hak-hak sipil masyarakat Avidasi pedalaman Jharkhand ini.

Tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan upaya kelompok masyarakat adat ini untuk “memberontak” terhadap New Delhi.

Pastor Swamy resmi ditahan oleh aparat keamanan India sejak 8 Oktober 2020 lalu.

Menurut laporan Kantor Berita AsiaNews biro India, sudah beberapa bulan ini pastor Jesuit selalu mendapat perlakuan kurang menyenangkan dari pihak pemerintah India.

Berkali-kali diinterogasi atas tuduhan telah membantu kelompok pemberontak Maoist. Tindakan ini telah dikecam oleh kelompok oposisi di India yang menuduh rezim pemerintahan PM Modi telah berlaku tidak adil terhadap kelompok minoritas non Hindu di India.

PM Modi berasal dari Bharatiya Janata Party, parpol berbasis agama Hindu nasionalis.

Petisi berisi permintaan pembebasan atas Pastor Swamy SJ ini, demikian berita AsiaNews.It, telah dirilis oleh Mgr. Felix Machado, Sekretaris Jenderal Konferensi Para Uskup India sekaligus Uskup Keuskupan Agung Vasai.

Berikut ini bunyi teks permohonan pembebasan tersebut.

The Indian Bishops’ Conference expresses deep sorrow and anguish over the arrest of Father Stan Swamy, who was taken from his residence by the National Investigation Agency (NIA). He is accused of having played a role in the riots that broke out in Bhima-Koregaon (Maharashtra) in 2018.

Fr Swamy, 83, a Jesuit priest, has spent most of his life helping the tribals and oppressed of the state of Jharkhand. For decades he has been committed to defending the rights of the Adivasis, especially those regarding the use of their ancestral lands. This may have gone against some people’s interests.

Questioned by the authorities in July and August, Fr. Swamy offered full cooperation to the investigators and provided detailed statements, claiming he was not involved in the Bhima-Koregaon incidents.

It is difficult to understand the situation of an octogenarian, with various pathologies, such as Fr. Swamy. He is faced with such difficulties in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, in which even a normal, healthy person would hesitate to travel, or never travel, unless they risk their own life.

The Episcopal Conference launches a strong appeal to the authorities concerned to immediately release the Jesuit and allow him to return to his residence.

The Catholic community has always been praised by all as a body of loyal citizens, respectful of the law and at the service of “Mother India”.

Catholics have always contributed to the construction of the nation and continue to collaborate with the government for the common good of all Indians and for the progress of our country.

We seriously ask that the rights, duties and privileges of all citizens be safeguarded and that peace and harmony prevail among all.

The Catholic Church is very grateful to all people of good will, to those belonging to all walks of life, to all religions and to all institutions who have strongly requested the immediate release of Fr. Swamy and his speedy homecoming.

Petisi dari Generalat SJ di Roma

Berikut ini berita dan tautan petisi untuk pembebasan Romo Swan Swamy.

dari SJES Roma untuk Rm. Stan Swan, SJ yang ditahan di India. Pernyataan bisa dibaca dalam link berikut, dan mohon bantuan menandatangani petisi yang ada di tautan di bawah ini.

PS: I cattolici indiani chiedono l’immediato rilascio di p. Stan Swamy


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