Kunjungi Lokasi Projek Caritas Indonesia KWI Rekolasi Hunian Baru Pasca Erupsi dan Badai Seroja di Pulau Lembata

Ilustrasi: Projek Caritas Indonesia KWI untuk program rekolasi penduduk yang terimbas potensi bencana erupsi dan badai siklon seroja di Pulau Lembata. (Mathias Hariyadi)

CARITAS Indonesia from the Conference of Indonesian Bishops (KWI) initiated a relocation projects in a higher ground and persuasively advocated people to move from their “native” villages prone from volcanic eruption and high tidal waves to move to this newly-established environment located in a higher grounds.

Titch TV spoke with Mr. Johannes, the chief construction site in Lembaga, while we paid a courtesy visit to this relocation project site, early March 2023.

  • Ping’s interview with Mr. Johannes on the site.
  • Photography: Stefanus Budi Handoyo.
  • Credit: Titch TV/Mathias Hariyadi.


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