LOCATED very near from the Malioboro Boulevard –the most popular street in Yogyakarta’s downtown—the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of St. Mary enjoys its strategic location since lot of foreign tourists frequently walk around.
This catholic church is located in the heart of Malioboro Boulevard – only some meters away from this iconic and culturally scenic spot.
It is also not far from the Tugu Railway Central Station.
It is within this social context that the then an initiate of performing a regular weekly English Mass was taken in 2015 by Father Hartosubono. To date, there is no more English mass.
“When Father Hartosubono was assigned to another job in other parish, I strongly boost the morale of the parish’s liturgical commission to perform the parish’s regular weekly English mass service,” says Father John “Santo” Dwi Harsanto, the chief parish priest, to Sesawi.Net in Yogyakarta, 14 February 2017.
On Sundays at 07.00 p.m.
The regular weekly English Mass service in the Immaculate Heart of St. Mary’s Kumetiran Catholic Church of Yogyakarta is no more performed.
Catholic Church of the Immaculate Heart of St. Mary is located Jl. Kumetiran, No. 13, Pringgokusuman, Gedong Tengen, Yogyakarta, DIY 55272.
As per April 2024 English Mass is no longer available at Kumetiran Parish church.
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