The 7th Asian Youth Day 2017: Be Close to Jesus, Said Bishop Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto from India to Catholic Young People

Flag parade prior to festive mass with two bishops and 41 priests and some six hundred participants of the 7th Asian Youth Day 2017 in Palembang Archdiocese. (Ist)

THE outreach program entitled Days in Dioceses (DID) of Asian Youth Day (AYD) at the Archdiocese of Palembang started on Sunday (30/7).  At 07.00, the committee of Commission for Youth of the Archdiocese of Palembang were ready at the International Airport of Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II and Kertapati Train Station to pick up participants of Asian Youth Day.

There are two foreign delegations coming from India, Malaysia, and the local Indonesians.

Read also:

Performance by catholic youth.

Six dioceses across Sumatera

There are six dioceses in Sumatera namely  Diocese of Sibolga, Archdiocese of Medan, Diocese of Padang, Archdiocese of Palembang, Diocese of Tanjungkarang, and Diocese of Pangkalpinang.   Motion animation and songs of the youth accompanied their steps into the city of Palembang which also known as BARI City.  They also received a series of flower necklaces, tanjak and shawl, honorary guest sign, according to the local tradition of Palembang.

Welcoming gesture performed by Fr. Tugiyo to chef de mission from Pangkal Pinang Diocese arriving in Palembang to start their Days in Diocese program in Palembang Archdiocese.

Most Reverend Msgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto from India said that he was happy to visit Indonesia. Previously, he only heard people’s stories about the beauty of Indonesia.  “I am very happy to be here and enjoy,” said this  Indian bishop.

Together with 46 young people from 20 Indian dioceses, he admits that he is ready to work with young people in DID AYD 2017.

A total of 251 participants were driven  to the main venue DID AYD 2017 at Saint Peter’s Parish of Palembang. Upon arriving at Saint Peter’s Parish, the participants were greeted with various entertainments of dance and singing. There are also typical dishes served by the committee such as mpek-mpek and satay.

Msgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto from India to address catholic young people in Palembang prior on the occasion of Days in Diocese, 7th Asian Youth Day 2017. (Ist)

41 priests and two bishops

At 17:30 PM, all participants are united in the opening mass venue. The mass was opened with a flag parade where officials bring  flags of  Indonesian, Malaysian, India, Vatican and AYD7.

Indonesian anthem Indonesia Raya and AYD prayer was pronounced and sung at the mass.

At least 41 priests, two  bishops, and some  600 catholic congregation  attended this festive  mass chaired by Aloysius Sudarso SCJ, Archbishop of Palembang. This solemn celebration of the Eucharist is enlivened by Colours Choir, a Catholic Youth Choir of Palembang Archdiocese.

In his homily, Msgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto affirms the identity of being a Christian. More specifically, he invites young people to know Jesus and get closer to Him. Young people should talk about everything in their lives to the Lord Jesus.

“Jesus is our life. Jesus lives among you,” said Msgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto.

At the end of his homily, he advocated young catholic people (OMK) constantly seek to know Jesus.

After the Eucharist, the event was continued with dinner and the opening ceremony. Participants sit under a huge tent that the committee has prepared in accordance with their delegation respectively.

Tanggai traditional dance was performed to welcome  participants. On this occasion, there were also a number of governmental and military officers who were ready to support DID AYD event.

Entertaining session with Colours Choir and Music Band from OMK Region 1 Palembang were performed as all participants of the DID AYD gathered in the church’s compound .

 PS: Kristiana Rinawati and Maria Sylvista from Palembang-based social communication in desk contribute this article.


A festive eucharist celebration with two bishops, 41 priests and some six hundred participants of the 7th Asian Youth Day 2017. This event happened on Sunday afternoon in Palembang Diocese. (Ist)

PROGRAM live in atau Days in Dioceses (DID) bagi segenap peserta the 7th Asian Youth Day (AYD) 2017 di Keuskupan Agung Palembang  telah berlangsung sejak  Minggu (30/7) lalu. Pukul 07.00 WIB, pihak panitia sudah bersiap di Bandara Internasional Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang dan Stasiun Kereta Api Kertapati Palembang untuk menjemput para peserta AYD7.

India, Malaysia, dan enam keuskupan Indonesia

Mereka berasal dari tiga kontingen besar yakni India, Malaysia dan Indonesia (Regio Sumatera). Sebanyak enam keuskupan di Sumatera masuk dalam kontingen Indonesia.

Keuskupan-keuskupan itu adalah Keuskupan Agung Medan, Keuskupan Sibolga, Keuskupan Agung Palembang, Keuskupan Tanjung Karang, Keuskupan Pangkal Pinang, dan Keuskupan Padang.

Gerak animasi dan lagu-lagu OMK mengiringi langkah mereka di Kota BARI. Mereka juga menerima rangkaian kalung bunga, tanjak dan selendang, tanda tamu kehormatan, seturut tradisi Palembang.

Friendy gesture by local official of Palembang Archdiocese to Tanjung Karang Diocese’s chef de mission Fr. Eko Yuniarto SCJ. (Ist)

Most Reverend Antonio Mgr. Alwin Fernandes Barretto mengaku senang dapat berkunjung ke Indonesia. Sebelumnya, ia hanya mendengar cerita orang mengenai keindahan Indonesia. “Saya sangat senang berada di sini dan menikmatinya,” tutur uskup asal India ini.

Bersama ke-46 orang muda yang berasal dari 20 keuskupan di India, ia mengaku siap berdinamika bersama orang muda dalam DID AYD 2017.

Sebanyak 251 peserta dihantar menuju venue utama DID AYD Keuskupan Agung Palembang (KAPal) di gereja Katolik Paroki St Petrus Palembang. Sesampai di Paroki St. Petrus, para peserta disambut berbagai macam hiburan berupa tarian dan nyanyian. Ada juga makanan khas yang disajikan oleh panitia seperti mpek-mpek, tekwan, bakwan, pisang goreng, dan sate.

Misa pembuka

Tepat pukul 17.30 WIB seluruh peserta menyatukan hati dalam misa pembuka. Misa dibuka dengan perarakan petugas pembawa bendera negara Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Vatikan, dan bendera AYD 2017.

Lagu Indonesia Raya dan doa AYD mendahului misa pada sore itu. Sekitar 41 orang imam, 2 orang uskup, dan sekitar 600 umat lainnya merayakan Ekaristi yang dipimpin oleh Mgr. Aloysius Sudarso SCJ, Uskup Agung Palembang.

Traditional dancers gesture to the Indian bishop Msgr. Baretto with his local host from Palembang Archdiocese Msgr. Aloysius Sudarso SCJ. (Ist)

Perayaan Ekaristi yang berlangsung khusuk ini dimeriahkan oleh Paduan Suara Colours Choir, Paduan Suara Orang Muda Katolik KAPal.

Baca juga:

Dalam homilinya, Mgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto menegaskan jati diri seorang Kristiani. Lebih spesifik, ia mengajak kaum muda untuk mengenal Yesus dan mendekatkan diri kepadaNya. Orang Muda mesti membicarakan segala sesuatu dalam hidupnya kepada Tuhan Yesus.

“Yesus adalah kehidupan kita. Yesus tinggal di tengah-tengah kita,” tandas Mgr. Antonio Alwin Fernandes Barretto.

Di akhir homilinya, ia berpesan agar Orang Muda Katolik terus-menerus berusaha untuk mengenal Tuhan Yesus.

Entertaining night with scores of traditional performances from the local host: Palembang Archdiocese. (Ist)

Usai Perayaan Ekaristi, acara dilanjutkan dengan makan malam bersama dan seremoni pembuka. Peserta duduk di bawah tenda yang telah disiapkan panitia sesuai dengan kontingen mereka. Tari Tanggai menyambut para peserta yang hadir.

Dalam kesempatan ini, hadir pula sejumlah aparat pemerintahan dan TNI yang siap mendukung acara DID AYD.

Ditemani penampilan Colours Choir dan Band OMK Dekanat 1 Palembang, para peserta DID AYD  2017 berkumpul di halaman gereja untuk berdinamika dan mengenal lebih dekat satu sama lain.

 PS: Naskah berita ini dikerjakan oleh Kristiana Rinawati dan Maria Sylvista

Indian delegation participated in Days in Diocese program in Palembang.
Our neighboring Malaysian delegation.


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