The 7th Asian Youth Day 2017: What is AYD for Me?

I am ready for the AYD7

a solid rain
washing, purifying
presenting a chance
for a new start

AYD is like that rain
washing, purifying
my heart, my thoughts, my deeds
for being a better person

Hoping joyfully for purity
Purity from unwanted anger
Purity from the desire of being honored
Purity from the desire of being preferred to others
Purity from the fear of being slandered
Purity from the fear of being forgotten
Purity from the fear of being treated unfairly

AYD is like that rain
washing, purifying
my heart, my thoughts, my deeds
for experiencing more HIS love
Am ready for the “rain”, for AYD

-angela ratna hadikusumah-


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