What Cancer has Taught Me…(1)


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Seorang teman yang kini bermukim di Saigon, Vietnam menulis refleksinya berikut ini:

“Kemarin, saya baru menemukan lilin yang menurut saya amat terang dalam diri seorang Rheza Christian. Blognya http://gayot.posterous.com/  yang berisi hanya lima tulisan, telah membuahkan efek yang sangat dahsyat bagi diri saya pribadi.  Memang kuantitas tulisan tidak selalu menjamin bahwa tulisan itu akan jadi baik, tetapi tulisan yang ditulis dengan hati, iman, ketabahan, dan ketegaran, memiliki cikal-bakal yang kuat untuk menyentuh para pembacanya. Rheza, yang meninggal 13 September 2011 lalu adalah seorang pemuda usia 28 tahun yang dalam masa-masa terakhir hidupnya berjuang dengan kanker yang menggerogoti tubuhnya.” Fonny Jodikin.

Berikut ini adalah catatan pribadi almarhum Rheza yang diposting Fonny dan telah membuat semua orang yang membaca kisah berikut ini menjadi tersentuh haru.

Tulisan 1

I’M Rheza, a cancer patient (Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma) stadium 4 with metastases on my left humerus, right humerus, lung, and calf. I wanted to share, what cancer has taught me.

Lesson 1 : Cancer taught me to RESPECT my family

When I need to go for check up, radiotherapy, or ANYTHING else, my dad would drive me. When I was unable to use my hand to eat, my sister helps me eat, drink, and consume medicine. When I was going to face my big surgery, my brother flew thousands kilos to support me, we spent hours talking about our favorite games and it helped me to pass those painful days. What about my mom? She practically does everything! Helps me bath, helps me wear my clothes, massage my arms when it’s in pain, pray for me, and the list goes on.

So.. please, don’t ever hate your family member because of stupid things like “my dad won’t buy me car”, “my sister is so noisy”, “my brother is selfish”, or “my mom is so strict”. RESPECT them, because they do so much in your life. How do I know that? Well Cancer taught me.

Lesson 2 : Cancer taught me to TREASURE my friends and relatives

They pray for me, they cry for me, they visit me, they treat me food that I like, they pick me up, they take me into the movie, they send me home, they scream “Yot, get well soon!”, they find me best medicine alternatives, they make me strong, they helps their best financially, they walk beside me afraid I might collapse, they make me laugh, they make me forget that I’m in pain, THEY ARE MY TREASURE. How do I know that? Well Cancer taught me.

Lesson 3 : Cancer taught me to VALUE my life

How I miss dancing, how I miss partying, how I miss having casual drink, how I miss breathing easily, how I miss hanging at the games centre, how I miss driving, how I miss working, how I miss lifting my hands, how I miss walking around the mall, how I miss running around, how I miss to eat anything I like, how I miss playing guitar…

I’m saying this not because that I’m upset of my current condition. I’m saying this to let you know… HOW VALUABLE you current life is. So STOP frowning, STOP complaining, STOP sighing. Give thanks you can dance, you can breath, you can party, you can walk around the mall, you can study or work and so and so. Value your life! How do I know that? Well Cancer taught me.

Lesson 4 : Cancer taught me to be STRONG and NEVER GIVE UP

When I was first diagnosed as an ASPS patient, the world seems to collapse, it was so rare that so far no Indonesian doctor knows the disease, I couldn’t help wondering about my future. Can I have a family? How long will I live? Am i going to suffer this pain endlessly? It seems that I can’t make it, it seems that I’m not strong enough.. Well I had experience PAIN, being HOPELESS, and being WEAK.. I’ve been through them, it make me STRONGER. Now I’m not afraid of my disease, I will not give up, I’ve been through hell and I keep walking. Now that my condition is getting better, being strong and never give up had really paid off! How do I know that? Well Cancer taught me.

Lesson 5 : Cancer taught me to STRENGTHEN others

If you ask me, what helps me cope with this disease? My answer would be people surrounds me. My family, my friends, my relatives. They never stop strengthen me, they are the reason I keep smiling, they are the reason I keep fighting, they are the reason I keep enjoying this live. I’m so thankful having them to strengthen me. Those are the reason why I’m writing this note.. to share and strengthen You guys.

Enjoy life, don’t frown, don’t complain, living life to the fullest, living life as large as you can, BECAUSE LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. How do I know that? Well Cancer taught me..


Sumber: http://gayot.posterous.com


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