Home BERITA Faith: Provision of Life in Today’s Era

Faith: Provision of Life in Today’s Era

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A Story
One day a young woman looked confused. He had prayed and praised God many times, but her life remained unremarkable. No major changes occurred in her life. So many problems she faced. She wants the issues to pass quickly. But why is she still grappling with issues? Is not God good and mercy?

The lady constantly wrestles with the problems that come and go to her. She felt her faith endurance was challenged. But she never gave up. She still prays to God. She gives her life into the hands of God. She was sure God would help her.

Therefore, in spite of the alternating problems facing her, she persisted in her faith in God. She equips herself with a good life before God. She tries to do good things and pleases God.

We live in a real world. Being a believer does not mean we are kept away from life’s problems. Even people say that the more faithful to God, the more people experience the challenges of life. Life does not get any easier. But people often wrestle with their faith in a real world.

For that reason, a firm faith in God becomes the basis or foundation for life in this modern age. The important thing is that people are willing to be open to God and others. This openness of heart to God and others helps people to always stand in their faith.

The believers are those who can survive in the various problems they face. Why? Because they always have hope in God. They are not easy to lose sense, when there are problems that confront the days of their lives. In fact they will find ways to overcome the problems of their lives. Of course with the help of God that they believed always accompany them.

As believers, we want our faith to become more real in our everyday lives. Therefore, we have to keep hope in God. We hope that the loving and ever-present God will always accompany the journey of our lives. God never let us walk alone in this world. God always works with us.

To that end, that hope have to also be accompanied by a loyalty to God. People who are pious are always creative in this life. People who do not lose their mind when faced with life’s problems. Let us always have our hope in God. **

Frans de Sales SCJ



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