Home KITAB SUCI & RENUNGAN HARIAN Fully Trusting in Jesus Christ

Fully Trusting in Jesus Christ


MY daily reflection and prayer:
Tuedday, March 8, 2016
The Fourth Week of Lent

Dear my friends,
Here is the Gospel for us today according to St. John 5:1-16

After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Hebrew called Bethzatha, which has five porticoes. In these lay a multitude of invalids, blind, lame, paralyzed. One man was there, who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him and knew that he had been lying there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is troubled, and while I am going another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your pallet, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his pallet and walked. Now that day was the Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who was cured, “It is the Sabbath, it is not lawful for you to carry your pallet.” But he answered them, “The man who healed me said to me, `Take up your pallet, and walk.'” They asked him, “Who is the man who said to you, `Take up your pallet, and walk’?” Now the man who had been healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn, as there was a crowd in the place. Afterward, Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse befall you.” The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him. And this was why the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did this on the Sabbath.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.


NOTHING is always impossible for Jesus Christ if we fully trust in him. He is always able to heal us from our sickness. His merciful power is always stronger than everything else.

It is proclaimed in today’s Gospel. St. John proclaims about Jesus Christ who heals the man who was ill for thirty eight years. The suffering of this sick man moves Jesus to compassion and he cures him.

To the healed man Jesus says, “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse befall you.” It means that Jesus heals the man in order to allow him to use his time and energy for the sake of the goodness.  Jesus warns the sick man that if he misuses his new health, he could be worse off than before.

In the Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist while adoring Jesus Christ we beg him to heal us from our sins. There we present ourselves to Jesus Christ as we truly are, with all of our weakness, and thus moving him to compassion. Hopefully, his healing will produce a conversion and make us a herald of his Kingdom.

Let’s pray: Lord Jesus Christ, we are not worthy, but only say the word and we shall be healed. May we be like the man at the pool of Bethesda to be grateful for the gifts you have given us, to fight against a life of sin, and to clothe ourselves with the new man now and forever. Amen.

Kredit foto: Ilustrasi (Ist)



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