Home KITAB SUCI & RENUNGAN HARIAN Having Clean Heart, Giving Generously

Having Clean Heart, Giving Generously


MY daily reflection and prayer:
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Dear my friends,
Here is the Gospel for us today according to Luke 11:37-41

While he was speaking, a Pharisee asked him to dine with him; so he went in and sat at table. The Pharisee was astonished to see that he did not first wash before dinner. And the Lord said to him, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and  wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also? But give for alms those things which are within; and behold, everything is clean for you.

This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.


JESUS is really the extraordinary man who speaks the word of God as no one else has done before. The Gospel today tells us about it.

A Pharisee asks him to dine with him. At the time of Jesus, it was not unusual for a rabbi to give a teaching over dinner. But Jesus did it. He also did not perform the ceremonial washing of hands before beginning the meal.

Of course he did not forget but he was deliberately performing a sign to reveal something to his host. Based on this fact, Jesus wanted to teach him about which is more important to God, clean hands or a clean mind and heart.

In the Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist, we worship Jesus Christ who urges us to have a clean heart and as well to give alms generously. When our heart is full of love and compassion, then there is no room for envy, greed, bitterness, and the like. When we give generously to those in need we express love, kindness,  compassion, and mercy.

Let’s pray: Lord Jesus Christ, fill us with your love. Increase our thirst for holiness. Cleanse our heart of every evil thought and desire. Help us to act kindly and justly and to speak charitably with our neighbor now and forever. Amen.

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