Home BERITA Poem: “I Want”

Poem: “I Want”

Ilustrasi: Tarian khas Dayak masuk dalam liturgi Gereja di Stasi Tanjung Beringin, Paroki Keluarga Kudus Sepotong. (Mathias Hariyadi)

I want

I want to humbly love you
Like sugar and water
My sweetness dissolves into thy water

I want to humbly love you
Like paper and book
I am a leaf paper in thy book

I want to humbly love you
Like hymn in Psalms
I am a song of praise in your Psalms

I want to humbly love you
Like a morning without sun
Before sun has risen
I have sat with You with all my book of prayers

Written by Sr. Angela FCJM
Translated by Taufan Wijaya



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