Home BERITA RIP Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ di Belanda

RIP Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ di Belanda

RIP Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ di Belanda

KABAR duka kali ini terjadi di Negeri Belanda. Konfirmasi atas kabar duka ini juga telah dilakukan oleh Socius Provincialis Jesuit Provinsi Indonesia, yakni Romo Bambang Sipayung SJ di Provinsialat SJ Semarang kepada Pater Jan Stuyt SJ, Socius Provincialis Regio Europen Lower Countries (ELC).

Telah meninggal dunia di Negeri Belanda hari ini tanggal 16 Desember 2019 yakni:

  • Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ.

Almarhum Romo de Blot SJ jatuh sehari sebelum meninggal yakni tanggal 15 Desember 2019 dan kemudian dirawat di RS lokal di Belanda. Sehari sesudahnya, ia meninggal dunia.

Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ.

Almarhum Romo Paul Chauvigny de Blot lahir ddi Kutawinangun, Jateng, tanggal 15 Mei 1924. Ia masuk Novisiat SJ di Muntilan tanggal 19 Oktober 1948.

Ia menerima Sakramen Imamat dalam Ordo Serikat Jesus pada tanggal 30 Juli 1960.

Karya almarhum antara lain terukir di Asrama Realino Yogyakarta.

Obituari dalam versi bahasa Inggris.

Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ, abbreviated Paul de Blot, was born on May 15, 1924 in Kutowinangun, Central Java, Indonesia.

Before the war, he worked as a chemist at a sugar factory near Madiun and joined the Allied army during the World War II.

He was taken prisoner and spent 5 years in a Japanese concentration camp.

In 1948 he became a Jesuit. After his philosophy and physics studies in Indonesia, he continued his studies in Europe.

After his studies and his practical experience in Lebanon and Israel, he worked as a teacher at the state university in Yogyakarta. He also supervised the medical co-assistants he gave medical ethics. He was also a teacher in the training of naval officers.

RIP Father Paul Chauvigny de Blot SJ.

After his specialization in Indonesian state politics, he also worked for the human rights of the political victims of the failed Communist coup of Suharto in 1965.

In 1978, he first moved to Germany and later came to the Netherlands as a student to study spirituality and psychology at the University of Nijmegen.

In 1979 he started his career at Nyenrode Business University.

In 2004, he obtained his doctorate at Nyenrode Business University in business administration on the topic “Renewal of organizations in a chaotic environment through renewal of people”.

In 2006, he became a professor of organizational innovation with the Business Spirituality chair and gave his public lesson on the mystique of doing business.

From this specialty, he gives seminars, training and workshops to both students and companies.

In 2009 he published his book about the crisis management of Ignatius van Loyola. He is also editor-in-chief of the Business Spirituality Magazine Nyenrode and he writes a column about this topic every two weeks in his weblog www.pauldeblot.nl.

Paul de Blot sj is also active in the pastoral care for the sick, students, and Indonesians.

He was appointed honorary professor on 1 July 2010. As an honorary professor, he continues to give guest lectures and lectures on a regular basis.

Requiescat in pace et vivat ad aeternam.


  1. Mohon info kepada siapa untuk mendapatkan data tentang perjalanan Rama Paul de Blot SJ ini, baik berupa cerita maupun foto-foto perjalanan karya nya. Terima kasih.


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